Target Range


Distance Learning

Contact Information:

email Miss Michelle at

Welcome to our Distance Learning Classroom for the next few weeks. As you know, to keep students and staff healthy, we are implementing a learn from home policy during this unprecedented time. I've created this site as a place for you to access some distance learning activities for your preschooler. If possible, work with your child to complete some of these activities from this site and/or the packet(s) I have provided. Some activities are learning through technology and some do not; similar to the student experience during a typical school day.

For each week during the school closure, please click on the drop down link at the top of the screen labeled Weekly Activity Ideas and click on the current week for activity ideas. Keep it fun- do what you can, when you can! These are suggested activities and you may substitute and alter to make at home learning best for your child.

Most Importantly: You know your child best. Choose activities that work well for your child and family. If any activity causes stress, please take a break or stop it completely. Above all else, take care of your family and stay healthy. Use this time to play outside, cook/bake, play board games, and/or complete a puzzle to name a few.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with questions. I will be checking my email frequently and I will do my best to get back to you asap!

Meals for Kids

While school closure remains in effect, Target Range will be providing breakfast and lunch for ANY families during this time. The school lunch and breakfast program is open to ALL youth at NO COST and there is no limitation related to income status. If you are interested in receiving meals for your household, please go here for more information: Target Range Breakfast and Lunch