Reviewing Experiences

For Journals

  • Contemporary Education Psychology

      • 2018: 2 reviews

  • European Physical Education Review

      • 2021: 1 review

      • 2020: 1 review

      • 2019: 1 review

      • 2018: 3 reviews

      • 2016: 1 review

  • ICHPER-SD Journal of Research

      • 2018: 4 reviews

      • 2017: 1 review (initial + second)

  • International Journal of Educational Development

      • 2016: 1 review

  • International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology

      • 2017: 1 review

  • Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension

      • 2019: 1 review

  • Journal of Clinical Medicine

      • 2018: 1 review

  • Journal of Sport and Health Science

      • 2018: 2 reviews

  • Journal of Teaching in Physical Education

      • 2021: 1 review

      • 2020: 2 reviews

      • 2019: 4 reviews

      • 2018: 3 reviews

      • 2017: 3 reviews (both initial + second)

  • Journal of Teaching, Research, and Media in Kinesiology

      • 2019: 1 review

  • Learning & Individual Differences

      • 2017: 1 review

  • Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science

      • 2019: 2 review

      • 2018: 1 review

      • 2017: 1 review (initial + second)

  • QUEST, since 2019

      • 2021: 1 review

      • 2020: 1 review

      • 2019: 1 review

  • Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport

      • 2021: 1 review

      • 2019: 6 reviews

      • 2018: 2 reviews

      • 2017: 1 review

  • Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology

      • 2020: 1 review

For Conferences

  • SHAPE America National Convention & Expo, since 2018

      • 2019: 8 abstracts reviews for the Research Abstract Sessions

      • 2018: 8 abstracts reviews for the Research Abstract Sessions

  • International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health, since 2015

      • 2018: 6 research abstract reviews for the Research Consortium

      • 2015: 10 research abstract reviews for the Research Consortium