Service Opportunities

Spending a year or two serving others can be a great way to help others and gain experience and insight about what you want to do for a career.

Some study abroad programs incorporate service learning - see Study Abroad


AmeriCorps is a network of national service programs aimed to improving lives and fostering civic engagement. 

Dream Center

The Dream Center is a faith-based charitable organization that finds and fills the needs of struggling people from all over the United States. 

FEMA Corps

FEMA Corps works to strengthen the federal government’s disaster preparedness and response.

Peace Corps

The Peace Corps is a service opportunity for motivated changemakers to immerse themselves in a community abroad, working side by side with local leaders to tackle the most pressing challenges of our generation. 

United Way of King County

United Way brings caring people together to give, volunteer, and take action to help people in need and solve our community’s toughest challenges. 

Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF)

Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF) links visitors with organic farmers, promotes an educational and cultural exchange and builds a global community conscious of ecological farming practices.