
Paying for college: what to do senior year

There are several important steps you need to take in order to figure out how you are going to pay for college, technical school, or trade school. Students who want to continue their education next year should consider filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the Washington Application for State Financial Aid (WASFA), which is for students who cannot fill out a FAFSA due to their immigration status. 

Many families do not complete the FAFSA because they don’t think they will qualify for aid. It’s important to remember that the FAFSA can qualify students for merit scholarships, federally subsidized loans (which usually have better terms than private loans), and work study (jobs on campus). 

In order to be eligible for both need-based AND merit-based financial aid, including athletic scholarships, families must file a FAFSA/WASFA. 

Accuracy is very important! Mistakes can prevent you from getting the aid you qualify for. It's hard to correct errors later, so take your time and double check that all information is entered correctly. Also, keep track of usernames, passwords, challenge questions, and email accounts you have used. Since students complete a new FAFSA/WSFA for each year they are in college, they should not use their GoTahoma email, as that will expire after graduation.

To learn more, visit the Federal Student Aid YouTube channel