
Getting Started

Resume Guidelines Brainstorming 

Resume Writing Guidelines Handout to help you figure out what to put on your resume

Examples Videos

Good example for a person without experience Video - Suggestions for improving your resume

Three good examples for a person with experience Video - Formatting ideas & techniques

Basic Templates

If you don't have a resume, or you want to start a new one,  you may want to use one of the basic templates provided below. There are lots of different templates available if you want to use a different one--just make sure it has all the components that are required on the score sheet or rubric for your assignment. Click on the image below to make a copy of the template.

Skill-based (no work experience)

 Work experience-based

Combination - skills & experience

Articles & Videos

High School Resume Examples and Writing Tips by Alison Doyle

Part-time Job Resume Example for a Teen by Alison Doyle

Boeing Resume Tips - general tips and specific information for jobs in manufacturing