Volunteer Award

Congratulations to Our 2024 Recipients!


Addison Munson, Alana Brock, Bailey Nettleton, Brianna Dodds, Carter Barta, Elisabeth Horst, Fainet Biniam, Hannah McDunnah, Himanjali Tavva, Mia Libadisos, Shahreen Toor, Nandani Kumar, Riya Verma, Sam Lindell, Shaunak Abraham, Shawna Sanjay, Tiffany Kim, Vale Behunin, Yeonah Choi, Shaymas Calvin


Caitlin Quinn, Bryan Yang, Kaycee Kaithula, Lucas Chabaud, Ruth Vinu, Tamar Rasmussen, Tess Thomson


Alan Yang, Alexa La Forge, Alyssa White, Ashritha Raj, Audrey Menghini, Ellie Carlson, Gracen Hertzke, Kate Larsen, Leila Pineda, Lilly Balzarini, Olivia Bosshart, Ronit Chepuri, Sarah Organ, Sean Uy, Sumaiyya Zunairah

President's Volunteer Service Award (PVSA)

Tahoma High School students are eligible to earn the President's Volunteer Service Award by completing 50-200+ hours of community service in a 12-month period. 

The goal of this program is to encourage THS students to meet the needs in our community and others through dedicating their time to serving the needs of others, or a worthy cause, and to recognize students for outstanding effort in community service. 

Volunteering is the practice of working on behalf of others, or a particular cause, without payment or compensation for time and services. Volunteering is generally considered altruistic, intended to promote good or improve quality of life. It fills a need that others have in the community. While singing in a choir, practicing an instrument, participating in sports or activities are worthwhile activities, their primary focus is skill development rather than being altruistic in nature.

Students who earn a PVSA during any year in high school automatically meet the 10 hour requirement for STEP during senior year, even if the service is completed before senior year. 

Students can only earn one award each year.

According to the PVSA guidelines, a person must be a US citizen or lawful permanent resident (such as a green card holder) to earn the award. Students who do not meet this criteria may earn a Tahoma Volunteer Award. 

How do I earn the award?

Students may volunteer at an organization such as The Maple Valley Food Bank, Vine Maple Place, Serenity Equine Rescue, Special Olympics, or the Washington Trails Association. They may also participate in events or fundraisers for non-profit organizations that benefit others, such as working at a PTA event, a fundraiser for Backpack Buddies, or Make a Difference Day. In addition, students can also identify a need in the community and develop their own project for addressing that need. 

Students earn the award based on volunteer hours completed in a 12-month period. The student can determine the start and stop of the 12-month period. For example, one student might complete 100 hours between April 1, 2024 and April 1, 2025 to earn an award in May of 2025. Another student might complete 100 hours in June, July, and August of 2024 and earn their award in May of 2025 as well. Students may earn only one award per year.

There are three levels of awards (bronze, silver, and gold) based on the number of hours completed. Hours may come from different service activities for different organizations/causes. Hours differ based on age. Age category is determined by the age a volunteer is for at least 7 months out of a designated 12-month award period.

Hours for ages 11-15 

Hours for ages 16-25

 How do I show I completed the hours? Applications due May 1

What counts and what doesn't count?

The table below should give you a good idea of what kind of service counts, and what does not count. If you have a question about your service, talk to Ms. Lindersmith in the Future Ready Center, or email her at llinders@tahomasd.us.

Service that does not count: court-ordered community service, volunteer hours completed for a PVSA from another awarding institution, any service for which a person received compensation (such as pay, goods, or extra credit). 

PVSA Counts/Does Not Count


See Ms. Lindersmith in the Future Ready Center, or email llinders@tahomasd.us 

2023 Recipients

Gold - Phoenix Cheshier, Elizabeth Horst, Nandani Kumar, Shawna Sanjay

Silver - Daisy Linder, Braeden McCurdy, Hannah McDunnah, Himanjali Tavva, Kanan Young

Bronze - Lucas Chabaud, Chayten Ghag, Norah Jose, Anna Neal, Tamar Rasmussen, Katrina Wilson, Sumiyya Zunairah

2022 Recipients

Gold - Tanveer Grewal, Peyton Ruud-Palady, Shawna Sanjay, Sanjana Sanjay, Himanjali Tavva, and Nandini Yogi

Silver - Lily Oliphant and Daniel Park

Bronze - Dyotana Bhattacharyya, Sarah Burkhead, Monse Castaneda, and Jaidev Raval

2021 Recipients

Gold - Tanveer Grewal

Silver - Aileen Park

Bronze - Katie Lumsden, Daniel Park