Magnifying Your Screen

To enlarge your whole screen and make everything look bigger including icons, web pages, etc. simply click on Ctrl, Shift, +

To decrease the size of your screen click on Ctrl, Shift, -

To reset your screen size click on Ctrl, Shift, 0

To adjust the size of the screen within the web page area click on Ctrl +

To decrease the size of your screen click on Ctrl, -

To reset your screen click on Ctrl, 0

Turning on the chromebook's Built in Screen Magnifier: If you feel you need a more magnified screen then try out the "Full Screen Magnifier". Under Accessibility Options select "Full Screen Magnifier" Once selected you will see an enlarged screen. Use your mouse cursor to pan around the screen. You can hold down "Ctrl, Alt" to zoom in and out using two fingers on the touchpad.