Chromebook Accessibility

Chromebooks come with built-in accessibility options that address reading issues, visual impairments and physical disabilities.  Each chromebook can be tailored to your students' individual needs.  

Compiled using Chromebook Accessibility and Learning Tools, Scotland, University of Edinburgh and Google for Education

Select to Speak: Hear Text Read Aloud

Mouse Options: The mouse appearance can be altered so that it is easier to see and track on the screen. 

Dictation: Use  your voice to type

Sticky Keys: Sticky Keys enables the user to enter key combinations by pressing keys in sequence rather than simultaneously.  This can be helpful to those students with dexterity impairments.  

Automatic Clicks: You can set the cursor to automatically take action when the cursor stops moving for a certain amount of time. This feature can be helpful for users with motor impairments. 

Magnifying Your Screen:  Adjust your screen size on the go.

High Contrast Mode: Increase the contrast on the screen to make it easier to see text and picture details.  

On Screen Keyboard: The On-Screen Keyboard improves input options for students who are challenged by physical conditions.

Chromevox: is a screen reader that provides spoken feedback