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The Theatrical Performing Arts Career Tech (TPACT) was established during the 2019-2020 school year to give students a holistic arts education and aims to cultivate a lifelong passion for the performing arts whether it be as a career, hobby, or patron. 

Scroll through this page to learn about the program, see examples of student work, and read details of courses, industry credentials, work-based learning opportunities, and competition.

Program Teacher: Brandi Shepard  

(419) 824-8580, ext. 6202

TPACT website



Focuses on the basic theatrical elements every thespian should know including theatre terminology, improvisation, acting, scenic design, movement and dance, vocal dexterity, etc.  Students are also exposed to the principles of play evaluation.   Students will leave this course with a better understanding of themselves (mind, body, and spirit) and the theatrical world. 

Semester 1/2 Credit

Theatre Workshop

Focuses on the production aspects of theater including, but not limited to, set design, stage management, arts administration, publicity, playwriting, costumes, puppets, masks, etc. 

Semester 1/2 Credit

Dance Foundations

This is an introductory dance course designed to expose students to dance as a form of expression as well as a suitable lifetime activity. A variety of dance types will be included: jazz, ballet, ballroom, hip hop, etc. This course is intended for students of all levels of training, ranging from none to advanced.

Semester 1/2 Credit


Honors levels of all courses are available.


Focuses on maximizing an actor’s physical and emotional expression, vocal intonation, memorization and imagination to convey stories and feelings. Whether spoken or sung, stylistic identity is reinforced. Other topics include material selection, developing a score of action for a role, sustaining a character and self and peer critique.   


Focuses on technical strength, preciseness and ability to engage audiences.  In this course, students develop physical stamina and fitness, musicality, expression and sequence retention while learning terminology for dance movement and for the industry. Self-discipline, including emotional and nutritional health, are reinforced.

Musical Theatre

Students assume the roles of singer, instrumentalist, actor and dancer as well as director, stage manager, set designer and/or costume technician.  Students learn to take and give orders to accomplish tasks. They analyze historical and current-day exemplary models of musical theatre for story line, musical arrangement and audience appeal. 


Creating the set, balancing the lights, projecting video and engineering the sound all help to accentuate the script and characters in a show. Learn the skills of stagecraft through research, critique and hands- on experience. Use technology, background design, makeup and costuming to enhance overall production with a focus on the script and director vision. 

Transferable Skills

Honors & College Credit

Stagecraft CTAG

Available for a college course that is an introduction to the technical knowledge and skills of theatre production with an emphasis on stage scenery. Students will learn the concepts of building flats, platforms, etc. and the use of tools, materials, and safety procedures.

All courses can be taken for regular or honors credit and have potential for college credit.


International Thespian Society

The International Thespian Society is the only theatre honor society for middle and high school students in the country. Affiliation brings credibility and distinction to students, theatre programs, and schools. It is a visible, positive symbol of the quality of your theatre program. ITS recognizes, rewards, and encourages student achievement and celebrates the work of students in all aspects of theatre— performance and production. Each student is honored on a national level and gains access to opportunities and resources beyond those of their school. TPACT students participate in local, state and national conferences and competitions.


This site is published by the Department of Teaching and Learning.

Secondary Director of Teaching and Learning, Andrea Johnson


Bradley J. Rieger Administration Building

4747 N. Holland Sylvania Road

Sylvania, OH 43560

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