The Sylvania Horticulture program provides diverse opportunities for students who may be interested in careers like: Business Management, Greenhouse Management, Golf Course and Recreational Facility Management, Veterinarian, Floral Designer, Landscape Designer and many more! Students in grades 9-12 may enroll in Horticulture elective courses, which allow them to gain a basic understanding of the horticulture pathway. Those two courses include Horticulture Foundations and Plant & Horticulture Science. 

In the Horticulture Foundations course, students will learn about principles of food science, animal science, and power technology. Students in the Plant and Horticulture Science course will learn about plant nutrition and disorders, plant anatomy and physiology, and how to manage different types of soils. 

Once a student has decided to continue their education in the Horticulture career tech program, they will have the opportunity to take 4 more courses. Juniors will be enrolled in Parks and Recreation and Greenhouse Management. In these courses students will learn how to operate and maintain equipment, design and implement park systems, design and operate greenhouses, and how to propagate plants for retail.

Senior year, students will be enrolled in Landscape Management and Agricultural Business Management. Students will classify and care for landscape plants, operate and maintain specialized equipment, develop business and marketing plans, and understand ethics and professional norms for businesses.

When leaving the horticulture program, students will have the ability to gain 11 industry recognized credentials and have the ability to earn college credit. In addition, students will be able to participate in competitions that allow them to gain scholarships, monetary awards, and potential job offerings through community partnerships.

Scroll through this page to learn about the program, see examples of student work, and read details of courses, industry credentials, work-based learning opportunities, and competition.

Program Teacher Steve (Jay) Euler | | (419) 824-8580, ext. 6133

Sylvania FFA Chapter Website 

See and Hear about 


Read this Toledo Blade article exploring Sylvania's Horticulture program and FFA student organization and then check out our video advertisement for the program.

Hear about 


In this virtual presentation and discussion with parents, you will learn about Horticulture from program teacher Bryan Smith. This is an excerpt from an open house for trades-aligned programs. See the entire open house here.

Horticulture Presentation.mp4


Horticulture Foundations

This foundational course in the career field is an introduction to Agricultural and Environmental Systems. Students will be introduced to the scope of the Agricultural and Environmental Systems career field. They will examine principles of food science, natural resource management, animal science & management, plant & horticultural science, power technology and bioscience. Throughout the course, students will develop communication, leadership and business skills essential to the agriculture industry.

Year 1 Credit

Plant and Horticulture Science

This foundational course in the pathway focuses on the knowledge and skills required to research, develop, produce and market agricultural, horticultural, and native plants and plant products. Students will apply principles of plant physiology and anatomy, plant protection and health, reproductive biology in plants, plant nutrition and disorders to the management of soils and plants. Throughout the course, students will learn communication, leadership, and business management skills reflective of the industry.

Year 1 Credit


Honors levels of all courses are available.

Level I: Parks and Recreation

Students will design facilities, develop educational programs and manage resources for use in public recreation. Students will maintain and operate equipment for maintaining wildlife habitat and supporting a variety of public recreational activities and facilities. Throughout the course, students will develop marketing and programming skills for park development, apply management practices to park operations and learn the systems required to maintain public safety. Students will understand different ecosystems and handle animals that are closely lived in our park system. 

Level I: Greenhouse Management

Students will learn the operational practices needed for the successful growth of nursery stock and/or greenhouse plants. They will learn essential greenhouse practices including water and fertilizer distribution, lighting, ventilation and temperature control. Students will learn pest and disease identification and control along with bio-security practices. Students will demonstrate knowledge of propagation methods, plant health, nutrition, and growth stimulation. Throughout this course, business and employability skills will be emphasized.

Level II: Landscape Systems

Students will learn methods for establishing and managing landscapes to promote growth and balance. The classification and care of woody and herbaceous landscape plants will be learned. Students will learn to optimize growing conditions, balance nutrients, and manage pests and disease. They will apply proper planting, fertilizing, and pruning techniques while safely operating well maintained specialized equipment. Throughout the course, students will assess implications of landscape installation on the environment, and employ communication, business, and management strategies. 

Level II: Business Management

Students will examine elements of business, identify organizational structures and apply management skills while developing business plans, financial reports and strategic goals for new ventures or existing businesses. Learners will use marketing concepts to evaluate the marketing environment and develop a marketing plan with marketing channels, product approaches, promotion and pricing strategies. Throughout the course, students will apply concepts of ethics and professionalism while implications of business regulations will be identified. 


OSHA 10 General Industry

Link to website for credential

OSHA 30 General Industry

Link to website for credential

Leadership Excellence

Link to website for credential

NCCER Core Curriculum

Link to website for credential


Level I: Greenhouse Management

Completion of this course leads to three college credits in Plant Science, credited through Owens Community College and transferable to any college in Ohio!


Students will have the opportunity to be engaged in work-based learning throughout all courses in the Horticulture pathway. Work-based learning is deigned to provide authentic learning experiences to students that link academic, technical, and professional skills. Community partners allow horticulture students to visit their facilities and work on site with employees to learn skills needed to be successful in the green industry. These community partners listed below work along side Mr. Smith in order to evaluate and supervise the experience.

Community Partners

Community Partners


What used to stand for "Future Farmers of America" now stands for a whole nation full of leaders. FFA is the largest career and technical student run organization in the U.S. with over 760,000 members! FFA has stayed agricultural based, but has found ways to branch into a whole new world. For example, many members participate in public speaking or job interview career development events (CDE's). However, FFA still offers the traditional CDEs such as judging/showing livestock and farm/agribusiness management.

Explore the FFA website.

This site is published by the Department of Teaching and Learning.

Secondary Director of Teaching and Learning, Andrea Johnson


Bradley J. Rieger Administration Building

4747 N. Holland Sylvania Road

Sylvania, OH 43560

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