Impact Assessments

Critiquing proponents for interveners is fine and dandy, as it helps keep proponents and their consultants accountable to their work and it pushes the process to make better decisions, but it's nice to work from the inside sometimes instead of being a critic on the outside. Doing impact assessment is hard work, and we enjoy having the opportunity to work with proponents and stakeholders on major project development from the beginning putting good ideas into practice.

Photo to left: coal trains leaving the East Kootenay region of BC bound for export from the Port of Vancouver, taken while doing some preliminary field work on a proponent-side assessment in the region.

Example of proponent-side impact assessment done by Swift Creek Consulting:

Economic Benefits, Socio-economic and Health Impact Assessment of the Vopak Bulk Liquids Storage Facility - 2021. Application on the BC EAO's EPIC website:;currentPage=1;pageSize=10;sortBy=+sortOrder,-datePosted,+displayName;ms=1608055798483