Expert Reports

Our meat and potatoes - what we do lots of and we think do well - is reviewing proponents' impact assessments, critiquing them, and as-often-as-not doing our own independent assessments for submission to review panels. We examine how proponents estimate economic benefits of major projects, how they assess adverse economic effects, and we do our own assessments of benefits, impacts, and the public interest cases for projects. Most of our work revolves around economic impacts, but we get into social impacts, health impacts, greenhouse gas emissions and other types of air pollution, cumulative effects, and pretty much everything else - while technical details differ, the same principles apply.

Some recent expert reports:

Review of Net Economic Benefits of Telkwa Coal Limited's Tenas Project - July 1, 2022.

Fortis Okanagan Capacity Upgrade Project: Critique of Public Convenience and Necessity Report - September 23, 2021

Review of Economic Impacts of Grassy Mountain Coal Mine - November 3, 2020

Teck Frontier Mine: Review of Economic Benefits and Cost-Benefit Analysis - August 18, 2018

For a complete list, see Chris Joseph CV.