Welcome to the Nursery Online Learning Page!
Hello everyone and welcome to our home learning page!
Everyone in the Nursery team misses you all very much and we hope you are happy and safe.
By now you will have received your home learning packs from school and in addition to the activities in the packs, we wanted to give you some videos of songs and stories for you to watch while you're at home.
If you would like to share any pictures of your work with us, please send it to and you may see your work on the website next week!
Have fun and keep safe,
Debbie, Anastasia, Afia and the Nursery Team
Week 8- week beginning 1st March
This week you are invited to a live Zoom story of 'The Three Little Pigs' read by Debbie and Scott this Thursday at 1pm. You will be receiving a zoom link later in the week if you would like to attend.

Learn all about the number 7 and in this Maths Meeting with Afia!
Learn all about snow and rain in this science video with Afia.

Learn all about plastic in this science video with Afia.
Watch the videos of the stories and try to join in if you remember the actions or some of the words.

'Pirate Pete' by Nick Sharratt, read by Anastasia

'Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs' by Giles Andreae & Russell Ayto, read by Anastasia

'The Snail and the Whale' by Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler, read by Anastasia
Challenge of the Week!

Every week you will have a special challenge to complete!
Your challenge for this week is to join in with a 'pirate dance'!
*Original song: The Wellerman (New Zealand Folk Song)
**The music used in this video is from the following link:
Colourful Semantics

*WARNING* contains some flashing images.
Can you say what’s happening in these photographs? Have a look and tell an adult what you can see.
A note for parents/carers
Colourful Semantics is a way of encouraging and helping children to speak in full sentences. In this video we will be looking at who is doing what. Look at the photographs with your child and encourage them to explain to you what is happening, in full sentences (e.g. “The man is sleeping”).
Some children may find this video a bit long. If this is the case, feel free to stop the video at any point and come back to it later.
Other fun activities
Watch the video, follow the steps one by one and learn how to draw lots of different animals!
Keep active with Cosmic Kids Yoga!
Here are some fun activities for you to try on Education city! Click on the link and log in using your login details provided in your homework pack.
The suggested activity for this week is 'Stop Pop and Listen'. After you log in, click on Subjects -> English -> F1 -> Activities -> Stop Pop and Listen and finally press play.
Children's work
We’ve had so many lovely emails this week with lots of pictures of children’s work. Thank you to everyone who sent us one. Please keep sending them to us. We love reading them and seeing all the brilliant work you’re doing.
If you would like to share any pictures of your work with us, please send it to and you may see your work on the website next week!
Well done to Safiyyah for making a lovely picture of a butterfly out of shapes and learning all about solids and liquids by making ice. Brilliant work Safiyyah!
Well done to Hamza for writing his name and numbers. Fantastic work Hamaza!
Well done to Amelia for learning all about solids and liquids by making ice. Excellent work Amelia!
Well done to Amaanah for making a lovely picture of a tree, drawing lovely pictures and counting objects. Great work Amaanah!
Video Library
The links below will take you to pages containing more videos of stories and songs that you can watch at any time.