Song videos

'This Old Man' with Debbie

Wind the Bobbin Up, The Farmer in the Dell and the Jolly Phonics song - 'n' with Anastasia

'Five Little Monkeys' with Debbie

'Five Little Men in a Flying Saucer'
'Days of the Week' by The Singing Walrus
Jolly phonics song - 'a' with Anastasia

Weather songs with Debbie

'Row, Row, Row Your Boat'
'Incy Wincy Spider'
'The Snake is in the Grass' with Anastasia

'The Wheels on the Bus' with Debbie

'Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes'
'Months of the Year Song' by The Singing Walrus
'The Jolly Phonics Song - 't''
with Anastasia

'Old MacDonald Had a Farm' with Debbie

'1,2,3,4,5 Once I Caught a Fish Alive'
'ABC song' &
'Jolly phonics song - 'i''
with Anastasia

Hickory Dickory Dock with Debbie

'Five Little Speckled Frogs'
'Animals in the Jungle' and
'The Animal Song'
with Anastasia

'Five Little Ducks' with Debbie

'Oats, Peas, Beans and Barley Grow' with Anastasia

Silly songs with Debbie!

'Miss Polly Had a Dolly', 'The Animals on the Farm' and 'The Jolly Phonics Song - 'P'' with Anastasia.

‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’, ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ and ‘Peter Rabbit’ with Debbie (and a surprise appearance from Bertie the cat!)