
We are very proud to be recipients of the Inclusion Quality Mark - Flagship School, since July 2017. At St. Vincent’s Catholic Primary School, we believe every child is a unique child of God. We therefore strive to raise the attainment of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), children learning English as an additional language (EAL), children of ethnic minority heritage (EMA) and able and talented children (A&T).

We believe at St. Vincent’s that all members of the school community are entitled to be treated and to treat others equally with consideration, courtesy and respect. Everyone in our community has the right to equal opportunities in all aspects of our school life, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, religion or ability. We aim to provide equal access to our broad and balanced curriculum. We consistently strive to match opportunities to the interests, needs and abilities of the individual. We make full provision for members of our community, children and adults alike, with learning difficulties, bilingual, physical and medical needs, to ensure equal access to all areas of school life.