English as an Additional Language (EAL)

At St Vincent's, a significant amount of pupils have learnt English as an additional language. There are over 30 different languages spoken by our families. 

New arrivals to our community are assessed and supported through our induction process. Most pupils will learn English simply by being exposed to the language rich environment in school. Other pupils are supported in class and class teachers are helped to deliver appropriate teaching plans, including pre-teaching vocabulary. Dual language resources and translation tools are provided when necessary.

At St Vincent's, we have recently subscribed to an online support programme called Languagenut. This platform allows children to learn and practise new vocabulary by hearing it in both English and their home language. 

If your child is not yet using Languagenut, but you would like to use it at home, please let Mrs Hatfield know by emailing her on chatfield@stvps.co.uk stating your child's full name, class and first language. 

New to English as an adult?

Learn Ealing delivers English and Maths courses for speakers of other languages (ESOL) through its online offer. They deliver lessons and support learners through the use of Google Education suite, Zoom, Skype and other digital platforms. 

To participate in online classes you will need an email address, a reliable internet connection, a computer/laptop/tablet/mobile phone with fully updated browser (preferably Google Chrome).  Your device will need a microphone and preferably a camera.

Click here for more information.