
Everyday, we go through transitions, which many of us don't even consider. Moving from the house to school or to the shops. Going back to school or work after a weekend or school holiday. Every year in school, the children go through a huge transition when moving from one year group to another. They move to a new classroom with a new teacher, new support staff, a new curriculum and sometimes even a new playground. 

One of our Speech & Language Therapists, Taruna Girdhari, spoke to us about what we can do to support children with transitions. 

Tranisitions parent coffee morning.pdf

Communication Passport

It can be useful to let your child's new teacher know some details about what helps your child in school. It helps for your child's teacher to know what your child enjoys too.

Taruna has provided some informations on Communication Passports and a blank passport which you may with to fill in with your child over the summer holidays. 

Communication passport template.pdf

Social Stories

Social stories are a way of teaching children how to manage a variety of social situations. You can read more about Social Stories here. Social Stories are a good way to support your child with transitions. Each year, St Vincent's provides all pupils with a Social Story about their new class (either by email or a printed copy). This includes photos of your child's new teacher, other adults they will be working with, their new classroom etc. 

Take time over the summer holidays to read through the story with your child to help prepare them for their new class. 

Social stories can be written for any situation, some are very general, some are more personal to the child. You can write your own social story using this guide. Here are a few examples of other Social Stories we have used in school. 

Being a good friend.pdf
Doing tests.pdf
Asking for help in the classroom.doc.pdf
Feeling cross- blank.pdf
Feeling cross- adapt as appropriate.pdf

Other useful videos: