
An explorer discovers new places. But this means more than just going somewhere new. It means studying surroundings, understanding cultures, comparing and contrasting, doing a ton of research, and communicating findings to others.  This approach is what makes the Exploring Portfolio different from the Experimenting and Presenting portfolios.

Let's look at the different components.

Song Number One


Research and analyze a piece of music that frames a foundation for the rationale behind your exploring portfolio. 

Song Number Two

Research + Performance

Research and analyze a performance which you will adapt for your instrument.

Song Number Three

Research + Composition

Research and analyze a composition that you will use as a stimulus to create your own composition. 

Context: should be different than song two and three

Context: must be local or global

Context: should be different than song two and three


Maximum recording of 2 minutes

Maximum 32 Bars and/or audio 1 minutes

Entire portfolio should be a maximum of 2400 words (see an example breakdown below):

Simple Outline of Exploring Portfolio