9th and 10th Grade

General Music and Chorus at Sturgis

Freshmen and Sophomores can take General Music and/or Chorus. Each class is one semester long. Chorus is only available during the fall semester.

Note: If a student wants to take both General Music and Chorus, they should request Chorus 9 or 10 during the fall and Music 9 or 10 during the spring. 

General Music 9 &10

Bring your instrument or learn a new one. Compose, produce, and have fun! Music 9 meets two times every seven-day cycle and Music 10 meets three times every seven-day cycle. 

Study: History, composition, performance, production, research, and analysis.

All skills levels and experiences are welcome!

Chorus 9 &10

Both the 9th and 10th grades have dedicated chorus classes that combine for performances during the first semester of the year. With students that range from absolute beginners to seasoned performers, Chorus 9 and 10 is a fun and comfortable class for everyone! Not only is it a great way to start your day for one of your long blocks, but it's also a nice way to break up your week while becoming a better singer!

*Chorus 9 and Chorus 10 perform at the Winter Concert