ceramics 2 

I think this class was very successful for me during ceramics one alot of me project were rushed and messy but this class i took more time and i was able to accomplish the things i wanted to and wasn't able too last semester. i think the big difference between the first and second ceramics class is just the independence you get within the projects for the first semester the projects were to teach the skills so most of them were more simple pieces and you didn't have much control over what you did but for this semester you are able to chose what you want to make as long as it follows the requirements of the project so you have a lot more creative freedom.

i think the hardest project to finish was the elements one. the whistle was hard to get to work and in the end it stopped working fiddled with it enough for it to work before it was fired.

i am most proud of me artist mashup project because since the beginning of ceramics one i wanted to be able to make sculptures of people and that is what i was able to do.

in terms of the way the class was run i was very fond of it i really like the creative freedom we got and i really appreciate the envirnment that mr anderson creates.