Beautiful Oops

Severed hand

Materials used: Black pen and graphite Pencils

One of the biggest inspirations behind this art piece has to be this month, had to be halloween coming up but also when I saw the black dots I realized that that could be a thumb, after that I really started liking it although the fingers are a little wonky I still really like it.

The materials I used were 4b, 6b a mechanical pencil for the rough sketch, few lighter graphite then figuring out where the fingers would go and the placing of were the thumb line is, or were I place the fingers to make it look semi-realistic.

When I first saw the piece of paper I kinda instantly thought that I was a thumb a little bit so I went to looking up a hand for reference, then started making all of the fingers, then when it was taking shape I started to realize that it looked like a hand that has been severed or that has been dismantled but those are basically the same thing. it just kept on going from there to the drawing that you saw above .