Foundations Of Art

Artist Relfection:

This year has been fun although there have been ups and downs for me throughout the whole year, from having a fractured wrist to being out for a week but most of the projects were fun for me and got my brain thinking about different ways I can do things from scientific drawings or using a reference photo to help get proportions right. I can’t think of any weaknesses at the moment.

My artwork has shown how much I’ve improved because at the beginning of the year, I was afraid of going outside of my comfort zone by only drawing humanoid characters. I can see my growth from our first drawing to scratchboard. It’s weird but cool to see how much my art has changed, developed, and grown from only being able or forcing myself to only draw humans. To do animals that I haven’t done before and enjoy.

The projects that were the most challenging for me were the wire sculpture and the artist-inspired. There are a few reasons why it was the most challenging for me, one of them was not fully understanding what I was doing for half of the project. And being frustrated with the wire not doing what I wanted it to do by not having it standing up fully or not looking what I had envisioned it looking like, another project that was challenging for me is the artist-inspired project because I was in a cast for it and it was very challenging trying to get the drawing to look decent with a hand that was in a cast or using my right hand to draw, those two projects where my most challenging ones just because stuff came up unexpectedly.

The projects I am the proudest of are my mixed media drawing, sgraffito, and scratchboard, the reason why I am the proudest about these projects is that I had a good time making them and it was more therapeutic. For me making these projects.

Some artistic goals I have for the summer and the near future are using new materials or old materials that I disliked using beforehand, giving me a new perspective of what I can be doing differently. Another goal I have for the summer is to learn different art styles to give me a fresh perspective and ideas, by doing this I might be able to develop a style that I like and keep on growing from.