

Artist statement

The main idea I got for this project was from the prompt, the prompt I got was to make a scarecrow that was cared of a crow. As I got working I thought of more ideas and then I thought it would be a good idea to make the scarecrow get scared and the more scared he got the bigger the hole under him got and the more chance of death he had and the more his crops fell and got destroyed, all controlled by the crow.

This specific art piece was made with my set 9" by 12" piece of drawing paper, HB drawing pencil, and a box of colored pencils, This was all I needed to do this project.

How I went about this project was I started off with the idea of a crow because I knew that this would most likely be the hardest part of the drawing, I started by looking up a picture of a crow flying and tried to recreate the picture of the body with a few minor tweaks. After I sketched what I wanted my crow to look like I then began the process of the background and how I wanted it laid out, everything from here was all imagination. I thought I was going to make it on a hill but quickly came up with other options, I thought it would be cool to have the crow mad and the scarecrow holding onto the border of the picture trying not to fall in the pit quickly opening under him destroying him and his crops.

Chase MacDonald

8x11 inch paper