Beautiful oops

beautiful oops drawing

artist statement

The main idea that guided my artwork originally started with the blobs of ink that got tossed onto my page by Mrs.Medsker trying to ruin my fresh page, I first came up with the idea of making that first blob into a snail because of the long eyeball looking things sticking out, then I just went with the theme of Spongbob and just kept on drawing.

The materials I used for this project were my drawing paper, a graphite B drawing pencil, and a box of colored pencils.

The process I came by this project was first looking at my blobs in every way and angle, then I saw the long strips of ink that looked like the eyes of a snail and quickly came up with the idea of doing Gery from Spongbob. As I kept on going I tried to incorporate the other blob into the Spongbob theme and I came up with doing Squidward playing the clarinet. After I sketched these two different things I began working on the background, as you can see there standing next to the Chum Bucket and behind them is the Krusty Krab and Patricks rock.

Chase MacDonald

9x12 inch paper