2D Design

12 X 15
12 X 15

Semester 1 Reflection

2021 -2022

This semester in art has been a blast, with the projects and the sketches, and the fun work environment. Something I have been successful with is learning different ways to look think about things I wouldn't really think about, more outside of the box, and a more widespread picture of everything I have now. Another thing that I was successful with was my shading on some of my drawings whether it was a sketch I did at my house or an actual project my lines have become a lot smoother and my shading doesn't look like it's from an accidental smudge.

Something I did not do good on the semester was keeping up with work, we are expected to work hours after school on our projects (not all of them but some) and this made it pretty easy for me to fall back, although I did happen to rebound once it still just wasn't enough, once I was behind, it was for good.

My artistic goals so far are going good but an overall goal is to keep on top of my work.