3D design 

My greatest strength through the summester, that I think was emulated through my artwork is veriety. I am not particuly skilled in any form of 3D art but that only ment that I was a blank canvis that could pick up a matirial and expirement with it. In this way I was abel to learn a lot. My greatest weakness was time, I found that 3D art can be farm more time intensive then other forms of art and with all my other classes I found myself falling behind. I found that my work improved in terms of tecnacal skill if anything else, I went from not being cofedent with certant 3D matirials to knowing them well enough to feel confident if I started another project with them. 

To me the most challenging project was the clay form project. In that project we had to make a sculpture out of clay and creat a design on it, I choos to make a small and a large clay bird with space designs carved into in the style of scafito. I found it chalenging because I have not used clay in years, I wanted to creat a falcon out of clay but found it ended up looking more like a pigion. That was alright though because I was more confident when carving the designes into the birds. I am most prode of my second sustained investigation, the Roman style moseic of Diana, it was the most time intencive project by far and just for that I am proud that I even finished it. And the end result realy dose look like a Roman style moseic. 

I have a set artistic goal for the summer, to creat a dungion and dragon type campain but with a scavenger crew in space. I have already drawn up two of the charicters fully and done skeches for the other ones. When I am done creating all the charicer designs I am going to digataly fraw out a layout of their ship. When I am done with that Im going to digitally draw a piece of artwork with all of them in one of the rooms of the ship. This procces is probley going to take a long time because last time I msde a larger piece in this style the perspective backround alown took me ten hours. Moving into the future I want to take advantced art and design next year when I am a senior.