Circle Project 

The Moon Prays for her Sun

Assorted markers 

12" x 9"

The Sun Sends a Message to her Moon 

Assorted markers 

12" x 9"

Out of all the artworks I have done this year in 2D design this one was the most driven by a personal idea. The nature of the assignment, making something out of a circle(s) gave me a lot of creative freedom. When I finally settled on an idea for this piece I knew it could be something with a lot of meaning. The enter piece can be separated into two parts but is only completed together. So, what was I trying to say with this piece? The Sun and Moon are represented by two women crying from their celestial bodies. They are opposed to each other and therefore apart. The Sun sends out a signal to the Moon but the Moon does not see because she is praying for the Sun. I based this on old and new storys and mythology in which the Sun and Moon yearn for one another but can never meet as they rise and fall across the sky as opposed to one another.   

 I used a few different materials for this piece of art. I started off by creating a light sketch with a mechanical pencil, for the circles, I traced different-sized plates to make them exact. I went over the sketches of the two women with a sharpy pen to create their outlines, I did not do this to the rest of the sketch. I filled in all the bass colors with alcohol markers because they have great bold colors. I did the small line details with a variety of thin colored pens. Finally, I used a silver and gold metallic marker to fill in the crescent moon, the ring around the sun, the details around both of them, and the tears. 

I started off the circle project by creating a bunch of thumbnail sketches, I tried to push myself with the variety of things achievable to create with a circle. The design I chose to go with was a girl in the Sun. I ended up doing two thumbnail sketches of a woman sitting in the Sun and two in the Moon. This made me realize how good they looked next to one another and I ended up making two drawings that make up one large piece. I wanted the drawings to be able to stand out on their own but not truly be complete without one another. I did this by having the parts of each drawing cross over into one another but more importantly the illusion of one big circle appears when they are placed together. I specifically bought metallic markers to draw the Moon and Sun, that is something that I planned to do from the beginning. Something I did not plan was adding the dotted details around the Sun and Moon. I added it in after I thought I was done with the piece because it looked just a bit too empty on the sides. I'm glad I spent the extra time on the dotes because it really finished the piece. 
