Foundations Of Art

Over the school year, I had done 20 assigned pieces of art. I learned a lot through the year about my strengths in art, my weaknesses, and on how to be creative. 

I had a lot of ups and downs with different projects and I would say my art weakness is working with acrylic paint to create something realistic. I struggled to mix the right amount of paint and paint in the lines using my sketches. My strength in art I would say was assemblage, I was very intrigued by all the different things you could do with assemblage and how creative you can be especially if you were doing recycled assemblage. I liked the idea of using recycled material to create something new because I love reusing trash to make something new and putting my creative art skills to create something was very fun and it turned out pretty good too. 

My improvement in my work is very obvious, I think at first I struggled with creativity and putting in all my effort to create something I was proud of. Although my work isn't perfect now it has improved from the start for sure, if you couldn't tell at the beginning of the year I took the art I made as a joke and did not create good pieces since I did not put in the effort like I have been doing now. 

The most challenging project for me was like I said before the painting with acrylic, I do not know why I struggled so badly with specifically acrylic paint since I can do watercolor just fine, but none the less it was a very big struggle to paint and finish it since I was not able to bring all the paint home and work on it there like I could with my other pieces. Painting with acrylic also took forever and was very very messy, I also did not finish either of those pieces leading me to a bad grade on them.

The project I am most proud of is probably either the scratch art of my cat Smitty or my assemblage turtle. I think I am most proud of those pieces because I had an easy fun time working to make them and they turned out pretty well compared to the rest. I also won an Artist of the Week award for my scratch art cat which although I am pretty sure it was randomized, It helped boost my confidence for the rest of my art later on in the year.  

My artistic goal for the summer are to practice my painting because I want to get better at it so I can have a more enjoyable painting experience the next time I have to paint. I also want to male some more recycled assemblage projects because there turn out usually good, they help the environment with recycling and it is really fun to do while making me feel good knowing I could be helping with the trash problem even if I'm only helping a little.

My overall expiernce for foundation of arts class is that it was very fun and it had taught me a lot about what I am capable of with art and how to express yourself through pieces. Taking art this year also helped me make new friends and have a great bond with my favorite teacher Mrs. Medsker, so I am very happy I Had taken this class, it was a great experience.