Argument Writing


Our assignment was to write a five-paragraph essay that answered the following question: Is the use of Native American mascots a source of pride and honor for Native Americans, or is it racist and detrimental to Native American culture? We read the book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian by Sherman Alexie and did lots of research about this topic. This allowed me to form my opinion and write my argumentative essay.

Evidence of Work

Final essay: native american mascots


While working with this topic and writing this essay, I felt that I was able to learn a lot. I personally like writing argumentative essays, as they let me express my opinion and back it up with reasoning and evidence. For this essay, I felt that I managed my time very well. I stayed on task and made sure every part of this assignment was turned in on time. I also made sure I was organized throughout the assignment. Writing rough drafts, notes, and reading several different articles were some things that helped me with my final essay.

Cultural competence was definitely a huge part of this assignment. We were writing about another cultural group and how an ongoing controversial topic affected them. Looking at it from different perspectives was one of the things I did while forming an opinion and completing this essay. The assignment really helped me expand my knowledge about a new subject for me as well as improve my writing skills.