
Evidence of Work

To start off this new school year, we have been working hard with the study of macromolecules! To help us gain better understandings about them, we completed several different assignments that focused on different aspects of macromolecules. First, we collected different food items from our pantries at home and evaluated the ingredients and macromolecules inside them. Then, we tried to make a balanced diet with the fast food restaurant of our choice. Using my favorite, In-n-Out, I attempted to create a balanced meal out of the menu. In doing this, I found that this task was not possible. Every attempt was either too high in sodium, carbohydrates, etc.. This project, even though I was not successful in creating the balanced diet, gave me a deeper understanding about food and all the different parts that go on inside.

The next project we did was called Murder In A Meal. For this assignment, we had to solve a murder case, figuring out what the victims last meal was and where he got it. To do this, we investigated the different possible meals he could have eaten, and the contents that were found in his stomach. By matching what different macromolecules were found in the possible meals and comparing them to what was in his stomach, along with using previous food tests with indicator solutions as evidence, we were able to solve what restaurant he ate his last meal at. This project was fun to do and gave us great practice on working with macromolecules and indicator solutions!

Below are the two separate project slideshows!

Kiana Seehusen - Macromolecule Challenge
Copy of Murder and a Meal Virtual Lab


Macromolecule- A molecule containing a very large number of atoms.

Monomer- A molecule that can be bonded to other identical molecules to form a polymer.

Polymer- A substance that has a molecular structure consisting of a large number of similar units bonded together.

Carbohydrate- A biomolecule made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. The function is to provide our bodies with energy. Some examples are pasta, bread, and potatoes. The monomers that make up carbohydrates are monosaccharides. The polymers include sugars, starches, and fibers.

Protein- A macromolecule consisting of one or more long chains of amino acid residues. They build and repair tissue in our bodies. Some examples would be chicken, beans, nuts, and fish. The monomers are amino acids and the polymers are polypeptides.

Lipids- Fatty acids or their derivatives and are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents. The functions of lipids include storing energy and they are structural components of cell membranes. Some examples are oils, waxes, and cheese. The monomers are fatty acids and the polymers are triglycerides.

Nucleic acids- The complex organic substance, especially DNA and RNA. The function is the storage and expression of genetic information. Some examples are fruits and vegetables. The monomers are nucleotides and the polymers are DNA and RNA.

Indicator solution- A chemical compound added to a solution so that possible substances in the solution can be determined visually.


I thought these assignments were a great way to learn about macromolecules. They definitely helped me deepen my understanding while also being fun. I thought I did good with my time utilization and focus in these projects. I did not let myself get distracted and I made sure everything was turned in on time. I learned that working by myself in a quiet space with no distractions was the best way to maintain my focus and work hard.

I think I could have done better at collaboration. In the second project, we worked with partners to complete the murder mystery. I think we could have communicated better, and this would have made our process go a little smoother. I also think I could personally improve on reading everything closely to ensure I am doing everything correctly. In the first project, I accidentally did some of it wrong because I did not take the time to carefully read the instructions. But I went back through, re-did it, and learned my lesson for next time.

Our school being online due to Covid-19 definitely caused some challenges, such as making communicating a lot harder since we do this via chromebook screens. But we are all adapting and working to get better everyday! I think these projects were a great way to start off this interesting school year!