Robot Art Show


Me and my partner were not able to upload our code to a physical copy of our circuit but digitally it worked well with a properly configured circuit and compatible code.


int state1 = 0;

int state2 = 0;

int negitive_dc = 6;

int positive_dc = 5;

int button1 = 7;

int button2 = 4;

void setup ()


  pinMode (negitive_dc,OUTPUT);

  pinMode (positive_dc,OUTPUT);

  pinMode (button1,INPUT);

  pinMode (button2,INPUT);


void loop ()


  state1 = digitalRead (button1);

  state2 = digitalRead (button2);

  if (state1 == HIGH)


    digitalWrite (positive_dc,HIGH);

    digitalWrite (negitive_dc,LOW);




    digitalWrite (positive_dc,LOW);

    digitalWrite (negitive_dc,LOW);


  if (state2 == HIGH)


    digitalWrite (positive_dc,LOW);

    digitalWrite (negitive_dc,HIGH);




    digitalWrite (positive_dc,LOW);

    digitalWrite (negitive_dc,LOW);



5. Robot Art Show (May 17, 2024 at 3:26 PM).mov

This is a video on our (non-functional) pin-ball machine

In order to give a vision on what our pinball machine would have been like we made a manual version so it can  still be somewhat operated.


My team-mate and I were efficient with our time and would have been able to finish our project but the program we were using was troublesome and we encountered some road blocks preventing us from uploading our needed code. We couldn't do it in time because of the issues but we got a good grade and our elements maked sense.