Gravity and Orbits

Evidence of Work

(This was a group project that consisted of me and one other person)When working on the models we had some set-backs as we weren't sure how we were going to get accurate scaled down measurements but after getting help from peers and teachers we were able to get it done and do as best as we could. With the information we were given, we could use it for most of our assignments ahead but when it came to the last one it was difficult and because it had to get more information on specific measurements like the rotational speed of the planets and I got sick during the assignment but we worked it out .


We did the work quite well and yes there is room for lots of improvement on basically all parts of it, right now I think we did the best we could especially since my partner would wander off and I would be left to do the work sometimes. The best we did was probably with the 3rd or 4th assignment because we had a good understanding and we got it done quick,  our greatest low was probably the last one like I said earlier for the same reason like how there was new things we didn't understand.


After doing these assignments I have to find out that when my partner and I divide the work into equal portions and then not chat, we get things done pretty quick. Also (kind of obvious) when we are staying at our table we get work done faster but a break here and then doesn't hurt. My partner doesn't struggle with this but I do and its that when I am struggling at work I don´t usually ask for help from a teacher when I can and it makes things so much easier.Other than that though, that is basically it and I think the models are good.