Furniture Design Project

bench costs

Bench Cut List and Prices

All of which are sited from


This bench design is suited all sorts of weather conditions and terrain conditions. Its strong stability keeps it from toppling over and its built in roof design is stable against harsh wind and rain (snow and hail is also preventable but we don't experience that where we live). With where the location of our bench it means that it will be next to common pathways where students can utilize it, it can fit multiple teens and provides a quite place to study hang out with friends or eat your lunch. 


Our group was very efficient and we were able to divide work portions among our members, the only thing inhibiting us was one of our team mates as they were commonly off task as in hanging out with other groups, wandering around campus, or playing games in class. I was expecting this however as I once was in a  group with them before so I was able to plan ahead by giving reasonable work loads and managing time effectively. In the end we made a successful bench design with reasonable costs and a well placed location.