Do It Better

Copy of Voyager show




The beginning of our project wasn't going that well as half of our group was not on task so it was just me and one of my other table-mates working on the slideshow. This slideshow would be our "Script" for our video that would basically be a draw my life on Voyager 1's journey through space. My table-mate and I worked together on getting info for the slide so we could give  intriguing and unique information on the Voyager's travel, we would do this for a couple days going back and forth on giving data and writing it out.   Once we were done with the slide the rest of our group finally started to be productive on the assignment, we had to film the video and what we did was that our member who worked the least would do the drawing for the video and all of us would record dialogue for each slide. Near the end of our project we got a surprise new member because they were absent for the majority of the project, because of this we were able to fit them in so they could also give a voice-over for the video, then we were done.


We did a great job on our video and we evenly distributed the work upon all group members. After this I found that I can take control of the group and lead it in a positive direction on my own without any instructions. I can also lead the group if they are off task, at least to the best of my abilities. Some things I need to work on is to not play Chromebook games as much, even if the assignment is done ( I could do work from other classes or study), and one other thing is to shut up when I've been told to.