Heart Valve Model

Project Overview

The artificial heart valve model is a project to design a heart valve that is omnidirectional and will hopefully work out really well. We will be moving through a design process and an accurate method to test our designs and form our final product. After steps 1 and 2, we are tasked with designing and modeling different prototypes of an artificial aortic valve. For this prototype, we must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Model is thin, like an aortic valve

  • Model is made of at least two layers

  • One of these layers is more elastic than the other

  • Model recoils back to the “open position” after force is removed from it

In order to do so we must abide by the following steps:

  1. Diagram several different prototypes to be tested

  2. Determine materials used into each prototype

  3. Test material combination and layout

  4. Repeat until best prototype is selected

  5. Refine chosen prototype to maximum capacity

Once these steps are completed we will have our final product in working condition.

Our purpose for designing an artificial aortic valve is to create a hypothetical prosthetic. Its other purpose is to prepare our group for the Capstone project by going through the motions of a prototype and testing module on a slightly smaller scale. Our scale will be much bigger than an original heart valve however it will need to be just as efficient as the original if not better. The aspects that will make the prototypes work will be the testing of flexibility, Pressure capacity, omnidirectional flow, and hopefully no leakage. All of these aspects of a heart valve, If focused on, will make the best valve possible, and possibly change the lives of people who may need an aortic valve replacement.

Evidence of Work

McDonagh, Manville, Raffaini, Vipperman - Research Forces, Elasticity, Stress, Strain and Young’s Modulus

Parts 1 and 2: What do I need to know about heart valves/elasticity and Young's Modulus

Through this approximately month long project, we went through a miniature design process of what we will be doing for the Capstone Project. This started with initial research.

Part 3: Steps 1 and 2

In this section of the project we did more research into materials which we could use to make prototypes for our valves. This included making a lab report which went over our process for the finding the Young's Modulus of different materials, including the polyester hair tie that we tested.

Manville, McDonagh, Raffaini, Vipperman - (Part 3) Steps 1 and 2 - Heart valve modeling and material testing
Heart Valve- Manville, McDonagh, Raffaini, Vipperman

Part 3: Artificial Heart Valve Model Lab Report

This final lab report was the culmination of the entirety of this project. In it, we go over three different prototypes, their successes and failures, and the data gathered in our most successful prototype, Gertrude. It explains how we chose our materials, how the Young's Modulus factored into it, and how our final product worked in a similar way to an actual heart valve.


This project was very involved, and definitely the most of the year so far. It spanned almost a month, and had a ton of steps that we constantly had to keep track of. It was a struggle initially to organize our time so that we could keep a balance between all the different elements of this project. However, I think my group pulled through. We ended with a final product which successfully modeled a heart valve, with the data to back it up.

Our collaborative spirit really shined through by the end of this project. We were able able to put our heads down, and really get the work done in an efficient manner. It also exemplified our problem solving skills, as we had to come up with quick solutions to the various problems with our pretty bad initial prototypes. Of course, I think our initial communication could've been improved. We didn't really crack down on the work until the last week, and we should've definitely done more earlier on.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with the final result of our Heart Valve. We really pulled through, and got Gertrude in working condition.

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