Capstone FINAL Steps

Overview of FINAL Steps

The final Capstone steps were a huge grind to the finish. This is where all the work that we put into the other steps was actualized, and we got our website and videos made and up for the public. The website was built around the series of videos tutorials. There were also a ton, and I mean a TON of extraneous assignments that we had to complete. We had to make a technical poster, a lab report, a design defense presentation. So much extra stuff that really is only useful to the person grading us. But, we did it nonetheless, for the grade. However, the real important part of these final steps was the website and videos. So that's what I'll go into primarily in this website update.

The Website and Videos:

Our website was centered around the series of video tutorials we created. These tutorials went into detail about different music and production concepts, such as basic drumming, how to use certain plugins, equipment you will need, and much much more.

These Next Parts Explain Themselves!!!!!


Technical Poster

Design Defense Report

Copy of Sauce Inspiration Design Report

Design Defense Presentation

Sauce Inspiration Slideshow- Design Defense


This final part was the most fun of all the steps, but it was also the most time consuming and a real time crunch. During these steps I got COVID, and was out of school for a whole week. This greatly hindered the progress my group could make, and essentially gave us a week less of time. As such, the two weeks we had after became a grind to finish everything in time. But, in prioritizing our website, we were able to make a product that I can honestly say I'm really proud of. I think it is pretty effective in conveying what needs to be conveyed, and is overall a product I'm proud of our group for.

As the final part of my reflection, I just want to shout out Dom Raffaini, the true savior of this project. He grinded out so many video tutorials last minute and made them absolutely beautiful. He made this project, and it was an absolute honor to work with him.