Physics of Sports Video

What was the Goal for this Project?

The goal for the Physics of Sports Video is to create a video which explains how a specific action in a sport is performed in terms of physics. The sport action we chose for our project was Kicking a Field Goal. We explained each step, and explained the physics of 4 of them.

Evidence of Work


Of course, in this Physics of Sports Video Project, we had to make a video. Here is the video.

Storyboard, Script, and Calculations


The first thing we created for this project was a storyboard which detailed 12 shots that were used in the video. Of course, some were changed and we added some extra shots at the end.


During the production and editing of the video, we had find out the calculations of some of the steps in our project. The mandatory things we had to calculate were Force of Impact, and Horizontal, Vertical, and Total Velocity.

1 Physics of Sports Script


After the storyboard was created, we made a script to put the images into words. We also added what shots and angles we would need for each "step."

Content and Physics

Force of Impact:

Definition: The force generated when objects meet

Equation: F=ma

Unit: Newtons (N)

Use in Project: Force of impact was used to calculate the force of our kicker's foot making contact with the ball.

Horizontal Velocity:

Definition: The speed in which something is moving in a horizontal direction

Equation: Vh=Dh/t

Unit: meters per second (m/s)

Use in Project: Horizontal velocity was used to help calculate the total velocity of the kick.

Vertical Velocity:

Definition: The speed in which something is moving in a vertical direction

Equation: Vv=at

Unit: meters per second (m/s)

Use in Project: Vertical velocity was used to help calculate the total velocity of the kick.

Total Velocity:

Definition: The speed in which something is moving in both horizontal and vertical directions

Equation: Vh^2*Vv^2=Vt^2

Unit: meters per second (m/s)

Use in Project: We calculated the total velocity of the kick that made the field goal.


For this project, the project went overall pretty smooth. However there were some issues we faced. One of these issues was that not our whole group was contributing all the time. Sometimes, only one or two people would be working, while the other people are doing effectively nothing. I believe this happened due to either someone simply not wanting to contribute, which is an issue, or just the fact that it is hard to edit with a lot of people. One of these things is much harder to control than the other, but there can still be an improvement to be had in collaboration.

There were also a lot of things that worked very well in this project. Due to one person in our group being the kicker for the football team, and another having a nice camera, and a good recording software allowed us to maximize our potential on the project. The finished project ended up as a very cleanly presented video. The amount of communication our group had also helped this. We each had something that we knew we had to accomplish it to properly finish the project. We each finished our own objectives in a solid amount of time that allowed us to fine-tune, and fix things more.

Something that I have learned about myself in the process of doing this project is that I should try to be more empathetic and understanding towards my group members. Sometimes, I got a little on edge and argumentative when I shouldn't have, and that is something I hope will not happen again. As a whole, this project was an interesting parallel to the previous very hands on Rube Goldberg Machine, and it was pleasant to have a slightly less stressful finished product.

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