Break It Apart!

Evidence of Work:

For this project we had to indivudally disasamble an item of choice, to try and further understand how it functioned. I chose a pair of SONY headphones. I then needed to draw a conceptual sketch and an exploded view of the headphones and create a flow chart to further demonstrate how it functions. Everything was recorded in our engineering journal. I chose to do a pair of SONY Headphones which was defiently a little more challenging than I anticipated. I started off unscrewing the pieces together but in a few instances I had to rip the plastic off. I was able to completely dissasemble my project which then allowed me to complete the steps listed above. Once I finished my own break it apart, I started to look at my classmates work and give positive and constructive feedback. It was super cool to see what everyone else had done and allowed me to learn more about items I use daily function!

Before this project I had no idea how headphones produced sound, it was just something I was used to in my lifestyle. For my final project I had a completely torn apart pair of heaphones, sketches in my journal, and a completed flowchart. When I took it apart I saw the whole behind the scenes of what really went on to create sound from the headphones. There were mnay differetn layers, wires, and a magnet, which I learned is what pulls a diaphram back and forth to produce the sound! The main features of this project would defiently be the sketches and flow diagram. When put together they make it really easy to see how everything works. We did not necassarly present this project but we did show off our findings to our teammates to get feedback.

My conceptual sketch, exploded view, and flow chart, alonsgide commentary and questions for the project are shown below, check it out!

Conceptual Sketch: with all included parts, labeled with name and measurements. Questions/Commentary in top right corner.

Exploded view sketch: demonstrating the layers of the headphones. Flow chart: demonstrating how the headphones work; what energy does what. More questions through the page.


In this project there was a lot of key vocabulary needed to know. Some we knew before and others we learned throughout the project. Check out some of the key terms we learned below!

Ingenerave: to create; latin

Ingenium: product of genius; machine

Conceptual Sketch: freehand sketches that are used by designers, such as engineers, as a quick and simple way to draw. Not intended to be accurate or definitive, just to get the general idea of an object/structure. I used this in my project to draw out the parts from the pair of headphones, along with labels and descriptions.

Exploded View: a diagram, picture, schematic or technical drawing of an object, that shows the relationship or order of assembly of various parts. I used this in my project to show how pieces came together in the headphones.

Flow Chart: a picture of the separate steps of a process in sequential order. Can be used to describe various processes, such as a manufacturing process, an administrative or service process, or a project plan. I used this in my project to further explain how the headphones function, by explaining where the energy goes and how it is converted into sound energy.

3D Object: a geometric setting in which three values are required to determine the position of an element.

2D Object: two dimensional; flat. (stick figures)

Isometric Drawing: The three axes form a 12o degree angle. Circles appear as elipses and lines are parrellel. Easy to draw.

Perspective Drawing: Object appears the way a human eye would see them. Parallel lines converge to a single point at the horizon.

Orthographic Drawing: As if you were to put objects in a class box. 2D view from each side of the box.

Dimensions: Any one of the three physical or spatial properties of length, area, and volume.


In this project, two things I thought I did in was showing creativty and being a conscientious learner. Being engineering requires drawing through sketches and blueprints. I am no Picasso but I was very pleased for how my sketches turned out and thought they well depicted the parts of the headphones. In the future I look forward to being able to do more artwork through sketches and improve my artisticness through this class. Another aspect of this project I thought I did well in was being a conscientious learner. I was super careful in reading the steps for this project and making sure I did all the required content. There was a lot of specifics to this project more than just drawing the parts of a headphones. But making sure I got each part, drew it out with enough detail that if a complete stranger saw that specific piece they could redraw it, including all dimensions, and making a whole organized piece as well. Organization was key so all the information was easily accessable and looked presentable as well. I look forward to our next project, Reverse Engineering, where I can learn more about this pair of headphones and try to discover a way to improve these headphones, to a more functional product for human use!

Overall this project was super fun to work on but there is always room for improvement in any thing we do! Two things I want to work on for the next project are communication and problem solving/thinking outside the box. Engineering is defienlty a new world for me, it was never something I took part in in the past and I do not have a whole lot of backround knowledge on the subject. That being said it is a great oppurtunity to attain so much knowledeg which can especially be done by asking questions. Through the project I wish I asked my teamates what they were discovering and we could have talked more about our individual findings together. That way I would have gotten to share my knowledge and recieve even more knowledge than what I was getting by myself. This is a new world when it comes to my education but in the future I defiently want to communicate more to people around me to try and get the best, most imformative experience as possible. I also want to work on thinking outside of the box. This project had tons of room to be able to ask questions and solve probelms and I want to work on trying to solve those problems more myself, instead of looking up an answer. This class is a perfect oppurtunity to challenge yourself to try and face problems and in the future I hope to conquer those challenges my myself. For example, I could not figure out how to break off this one piece from the headphones and it took me forever to finally dissamble it. In that situation I should have tried to use other peoples ideas more and try to experiment with more ideas until I found out the solution. Instead I just got more frustrated and annoyed. In the future I want to stay positive while thinking of creative ways to solve difficult problems!