Build a Band

Our Project

For our project we got to build three instruments and create a band. We needed one percussion, one chime, and one wind instrument. We spent days learning about sound waves and how sound travels. We then used that information to create the three instruments for our band. We presented our instruments twice. Once to first graders and another time to parents and our families.

Building Process:

For our band, our group decided to have everyone be in charge of one of the three instruments. I chose to work on the string instrument. My first idea was to make a pan flute with different length pipes. One problem was the pipes would not make a sound unless something was covering the bottom. At first, I tried duck tape to cover the bottom but the duck tape vibrated and did not help make a sound. Then I tried using coins but they still let air through the end, so those did not work either. Finally, I got the idea of using clay. The clay worked much better than the other ideas and allowed sound to come out of the tube. Though the clay only worked for a couple of minutes, then it loosened up and did not stop the air from going out the end of the pipe.

After trying to make the clay work for two days I realized the only way to make sound would be with my hand covering it. I then tried to attach the pipes to a piece of wood a couple of inches apart. That way I could press my hand against the bottom of each pipe. It would have worked but the pipes would not stay to the wood and when I held my hand against the bottom the pipes would shake, so it would not work.

That is when I decided to switch to a normal record. I took the top of an old recorder and attached that to a plastic pipe. In the pipe I drilled six holes of different sizes. Then I lined the holes up differently. I then covered up the bottom with my hand or knee so the sound was amplified. The first three notes worked extremely well and went from high to low. The other notes were hard to play unless you had your fingers in the correct spot and blew the correct amount/pressure of air. Though, once you had it perfect the other six notes played perfectly. My instrument was able to play all 8 notes required and we played the song "Hot Cross Buns".

Here is the link to our google doc explaining how all three instruments work.


Transverse Waves: A wave where particle movement is perpendicular to wave motion. Does not require a medium to exist. (Light)

Longitudinal Waves: Waves where particle movement is parallel to wave motion. Requires a medium to exist. (Sound)

Electromagnetic Spectrum: The range of wavelengths or frequencies over which electromagnetic radiation extends. It includes radio waves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays.

Frequency: Number of waves per second. f = v/λ. Measure in hertz.

Wave Speed: Velocity of a wave. v = λf. Measure in m/s.

Wavelength: Distance of the crest of one wave to the crest of another. λ = v/f. Measured in meters.

Period: Time for one wave. T = 1/f. Measured in seconds.

Amplitude: Height or magnitude of a wave. Amplitude controls the volume of a wave.


Two things I though I improved on while working on this project was communication and collaboration. When it came to picking out what instruments we wanted to work on or if we needed help with something we all were able to communicate with each other extremely well. We were always able to share ideas with everyone listening and then decided as a group which idea to pick. We all worked super well together and everyone contributed there own part to the project. It was easy to get everything done because we all worked as one big team.

Something I could have done better was working on my time management and productivity. Even though I completed everything I feel like I could have gotten it done faster if I was more focused. Staying on task in a class with all your friends is difficult, but I need to stay more focused so I can complete projects sooner and have more time to perfect them at the end. Overall though, I felt like I worked really well and my team worked well together and created a pretty good band.