Drawing Tutorials

In order to enhance our design sketches for our Capstone project we were tasked to follow drawing tutorials each week.

From STEM Marin Website: Drawing plays several roles in the design process. These roles fall into three major categories: exploration, idea development, and documentation. For the purposes of this chapter, drawing includes sketching (rapid, freehand drawings) as well as more exacting depictions such as those required for technical work, possibly using instruments like compasses and straightedges. Sketching is shorthand for artists. It is used to get information down quickly, as in visual brain-storming. Detail drawing, for example, tends to be more careful and time-consuming.

Drawing tutorials "Technical drawing 1"

Drawing tutorials "Technical drawing 1" (Sep 29, 2021 at 8:23 PM)

Drawing tutorials "Technical drawing 2"

Drawing tutorials "Orthographic drawing "

Orthographic Drawings.pdf

Drawing tutorials "Perspective"

Drawing tutorials "Complex 2-Point Perspective"

Drawing tutorials "Rectangular Planes with Centers"

Drawing tutorials "Curved Surfaces"

Drawing tutorials "Your first product design Sketch"

Drawing tutorials "Line Weight and Shadow"

Drawing tutorials "Vignette Lines and Product Design"

Drawing Tutorials.pdf

Drawing tutorials "Sketch a Pringle & Utensils"


Throughout this process I learned a wide variety of new skills to help further me along in my STEM education. I learned how important sketching is to the engineering process. "Sketching is understood as a key factor for creative expression, the most effective visual thinking tools and so applied for design. It is considered the principal approach by which design engineers externalize their concepts and where the drawings provide visual clues for refinement and revision."

Engineering drawings are used to fully and clearly define the requirements of an engineered item. An engineering drawing communicates what is required, wanted and needed to enable resources to be expended to turn an idea into reality.

I am overall very proud of what I have produced and learned throughout these weeks. Comparing my first sketches to the final ones, I can see tremendous improvement. Something I think I did well during these tutorials was exhibit patience. I took my time with detailed drawings and didn't rush them. I also knew how to use critical thinking when it came to putting the shapes I saw onto the paper in the form of a 3-D or othographic drawing. Something I think I could have improved upon was my note taking. I should have taken more notes because I never know when the information will help me during my Capstone project.