Sophomore Speech

As a 10th grader I did a Sophomore Speech. My topic was Gender Stereotypes in Modern Media. My speech was a top 3 finalist in a competition between all of the english classes in our entire grade.

My written speech

Due to Covid-19, our year was cut short. We were required to finish our speech from home instead of in class as we normally would. The competition of the speeches was also held virtually. I was selected to represent our class period in the first round which was all of the finalists from 3rd period English classes. From there I was selected to move on to be reviewed by the English Department and compete against all of the English 10 periods. I was ecstatic when I found out I was chosen as one of the finalists as the 3 best speeches in the entire grade. I worked tirelessly to perfect my speech and inform others on a topic that I was passionate about.

Sophomore Speech Final Draft
Alyssa Krusinski - Photo Essay