Super Crop

Copy of Copy of Akash Sutton - Super Crop OG

In this project, we were assigned to create a crop that was more resilient than any other crop present on the market. In order to do this, we were present with crops that each had an individual perk. With these crops, we were to choose the best ones, and then mate them in the hopes of creating the best crop to sell. We personally choose pest and drought resistance, as those were the most applicable in California weather. Afterwards, we did trihybrid and dihybrid Punnett squares respectively, in order to track each generation's offspring's phenotypes and genotypes. Lastly, we recorded our findings, explained why our final result from three generations was the best super crop that could be made.



An allele is one of two or more alternative forms of a gene that arise by mutation and are found at the same place on a chromosome. Alleles are represented by letters, uppercase for dominant and lowercase for recessive. Alleles are also important i ngenetic studies, as they are primarily used in Punnet squares to figure our genetic inheritance. In our project, we used alleles in our punnet squares in our to craft the perfect super crop.


Genotypes are the original genetic material from the organism. In our case, genotypes are represented by the alleles. Genotypes are not to be confused with the phenotypes, as those are the actual traits realized. Genotypes are important in order to understand how traits get inherited from generation to generation. In our project, genotypes were used in our to figure out the phenotypes of generations.


The phenotype is the actual trait realized in an organism. Phenotypes are caused by the genotypes in an organism, and hence are dependent on them. Phenotypes are essential to understand when working with traits, as many genetic fields do. Phenotypes are also what our project revolved around, as we were to create the crop with the best phenotypes.  

Punnet Square

A punnet square is a square diagram used to predict the genotype of a parents offspring. Punnet squares are used all the time in genetics to predct how traits are distributed amongst a parentś offspring. We used Punnet squares in order to create the genotypes necessary to create a super crop.


A Dihybrid is a cross that observes two tandem traits specifically. Punnet squares that predict dihybrid crosses use a 4x4 square, instead of a tradition 2x2 one. In the field of genetics, dihybrid are used to predict the genotypes of two different traits at the same time. We used dihybrid crosses for our two traits in our punnet squares.


Traits are a genetically determined characteristic of an organism. Our project revolved around the traits of an organism, as a super crop is defined by it's traits. Traits are also commonly dealt with in the field of genetics.


Peaks: In my opinion, this project went surpisingly well, despite a few mishaps. First, I showed my ability to be a good Critical Thinker. I did this by thinking about a clever solution to the project: doing a trihybrid cross between two parents to get all three desirable traits. in addition, I showed myself to be a Conscientious Learner. I did this through monitoring the time our group used effectively, and thereby providing proper time management in order to get our project done on time. I learnt about myself that I am great when it comes to critical thinking, as I can come up with clever solutions to proeblems

Pits: Although this project went well for the most part, there were still some underlying issues. For example, I may have misread the purpose of the project, and hence provided a solution that did not necessarily fall under the rubric. In order to combat this in the future, I will learn to read through an assignment's requirements more thoroughly, so I get the correct work done. In addition, I had issues when it came to managing my own time effectively, which left us with a below average project. In the future, I will learn to become more effective with my use of time.