March Edition

Letter from the Editors:

In the immortal words of Snoop Dog - greetings loved ones, let's take a journey.

In this edition we'll be taking a journey like no other. From a message to our esteemed leader Dr. Gutes, to an analysis of the town's upcoming (and highly contentious) election, to a plethora of COVID-19 updates, to a look at the novel four-season athletes (who we don't understand, but greatly respect. This edition is packed to the brim! Please enjoy the fruits (and veggies) of our many hours of labor (and if you don't get the first sentence, please go listen to California Gurls by the one and only Katy Perry).


Eleanor, Maddie, & Nicole

Photo Courtesy of Bill Polo, Boston Globe

Sorry Dr. G,

We Can't All Go Back This Year

By Alex Goodale

According to News, only one county in MA fits CDC guidelines to fully open schools (and it is not Needham). Moreover, according to CNBC, 90% of schools in the country are in counties with substantial levels of spread where the CDC says it’s not safe for schools to fully reopen for in-person learning. Why, then, would many governors be pushing for in-person learning when it clearly does not seem safe?

Photo Courtesy of Eleanor Mackey

Everything You Need to Know About the Needham Election

By Eleanor Mackey and Abigail Sprinsky

Mark your calendars for April 13th, the day to vote in the Needham town elections. Local government is where your vote makes the largest impact and this year there are two super important contested races: the Select Board and the School Committee.

Photo Courtesy of


Another Way to Make School During the Pandemic Worse

By Bayley Basson

The one redeeming factor of junior year is that students do not have to take MCAS, a boring ordeal that underclassmen (usually) must go through. However, last spring, MCAS was canceled due to the shutdown. I, like many other students, hoped that the state would exempt students from MCAS. But no. The state has failed us students.

Picture This: Officer Rocket

by Maddie Gerber

Photo Courtesy of @nhsassassins on Instagram (Class of 2018)

The Scoop on Assassins

By Nicole Allen and Maddie Gerber

Assassins is a hallmark of senior spring, as there’s nothing like the adrenaline rush of having a random classmate camped out in your backyard, or discovering the betrayal of a sibling who has let your assassin into the house. Assassins has the power to rip families, friend groups, and cohorts apart -- which is exactly what we need this spring.


COVID-19 Updates:

Teacher Vaccinations

By Molly Silver

Photo Courtesy of @NPS_Supt on Twitter


By Tommy Langford

Photo Courtesy of @MassGovernor on Twitter

General Vaccinations

By Sydney Baker

Photo Courtesy of Sydney Baker
Photo Courtesy of @NHSRockets on Twitter

NHS Students Can Now Be Four Season Athletes

By Christine Mittaz

In August of 2020, a new term was heard for the first time: Fall 2. This change gives dedicated athletes a chance to participate in a fourth season and introduces another new term: the four-season athlete.

Photo Courtesy of @hilltoppernhs2019 on Instagram

We ❤️ Homeroom

By Talia Bloom and Peyton Whirley

Homeroom is, in fact, a lovely aspect of the Needham High experience. Starting at the very beginning of 9th grade, new students are thrown into a lively community full of laughs and joy.

Picture This: Needham Girls' Volleyball v. Walpole

by Maddie Gerber

Photo Courtesy of the Boston Globe

Will Colleges Go Test Optional Next Year?

By Jeremy Gold

Only amid the coronavirus pandemic have the tides turned significantly, causing an overwhelming number of schools to abandon the standardized test requirements and take a test-optional approach to admissions. But is this change meant to last beyond the virus, or is it just a temporary measure?

Photo Courtesy of Maddie Gerber

K-2 Are Going Back Full Time: Here's What You Need to Know

By Hadas Duchin

On February 3rd, Needham Public Schools superintendent Dr. Gutekanst announced that all students kindergarten through second grade will be returning to full in-person learning beginning March 8th. This means that both cohorts will be learning at the same time, in the same classroom, and in person for the remainder of the school year.

Photo Courtesy of

Person to Know: Marcus Nelson

By Abigail Sprinsky

If you have spent any time at the YMCA in the center of Needham the last seven years, then you may know who Marcus Nelson is. For the few of you who pay attention to local politics, you would know that Marcus is running for Needham’s Select Board.

Of the Month:

Michelle Mittaz- Athlete

By Nicole Allen

Photo Courtesy of Needham Hometown Weekly

Vijay Fisch- Fashionista

By Nicole Allen

Photo Courtesy of Vijay Fisch
Photo Courtesy of @nhspromposals19_ on Instagram

Senior Advice

From Hilly the Hilltopper

By Hilly the Hilltopper

Hey sexy seniors! It's that time of the year - time for senioritis, also the stresses of prom and finding a roommate on Facebook. Lucky for you: Hilly is here to help!

Picture This: Senior Studio Displays

by Nicole Allen and Maddie Gerber

Photo Courtesy of Nicole Allen

The Controversy Over State Tournaments

By Nicole Allen

As of Monday, March 15th, school administrators are being surveyed to “gather feedback on potential tournament expansion to state semi-final and final rounds." The students of the nine approved spring sports await the decision on their tournaments, which is set to be made this coming Wednesday, the 17th.

Photo Courtesy of Evie Lockwood-Mullaney and Sophia D'Amelio

Why We Should Have Mask Breaks

By Kate Amsden

We have slowly gotten used to seeing our friends and teachers in masks and have become accustomed to having conversations without actually seeing the person talking to you. Now, as the weather is getting warmer and the snow is melting, teachers should be encouraged to give classes mask breaks again.

Photo Courtesy of The Boston Globe

The Rise of Mock Trial

By Alex Goodale

The Needham High School Mock Trial team has not won a trial since… well, let’s just say no one can remember. Yup, you heard that right. Needham Mock Trial has gone many years without winning. That all changed during the 2020-2021 Mock Trial season.

Image Courtesy of Needham Art in Bloom

Art in Bloom Goes Virtual

By Nicole Allen

Art in Bloom has been an annual tradition in Needham for the last 13 years. The collaboration between the Temple Beth Shalom Garden Club and Needham High’s Art Department usually takes place at the Needham Free Public Library, but took place virtually this year!

Picture This: Needham Girls Volleyball v. Braintree

by Maddie Gerber and Emma Curry