
Preflection: Making three pictures of the photo of Misha'al, using three different art methods for each; one pencil and shading, one colored pencil, and one with oil pastel. I feel good about this, being able to practice with these art methods after not using them for so long. This is all to pick which art medium I like best to focus all my time into making one picture to send to Misha'al.

These are the results from each art method, the pencil shading I think looks the best because I've had the most practice with that, the oil pastel was really hard, and the colored pencil was hard to get the texture to look right but I like the colored pencil one and I think having color will look good.I learned that oil pastel is hard to fix, and will not look good at all if I go fast, so if I use oil pastel I should go slowly and blend better. For the colored pencils, I learned that the direction I color matters a lot more than I think, and the colors come out bold, so if I want a lighter shade I have to start with white first. I like colored pencil the most so I am going to choose that medium.

Final Drawing

I think it started out good and the hair looks great, pretty close to the original picture. The part which doesn't look good is the part above the mouth, where the paper came up because I could kept layering too many colors on. I think overall it looks good but the part of the mouth draws the most attention and that's the only thing I wish I could have fixed. I really wanted something with color and the oil pastel was very difficult, but the colors came out good on this photo, it's just the paper coming up that really makes it look weird. 

I hope Misha'al likes it, especially the color and the color blending of it all, and I hope he really likes the end product. If I could say something to him, I would say I was really glad to be able to make this portrait of you and also brown is an amazing color (his favorite color is brown).