Advanced Art

Cross Stained Glass

First art project of the year. After practicing with stained glass, making a decent box, I decided I wanted to make something with a cross and lots of colors. I had never used stained glass before this art class, so it was a lot of fun to learn all this stuff, and how stained glass actually works and comes together. First is cutting all the pieces of glass as best you can. I wanted lots of green in mine, and I think the cross being clear looks amazing. Once everything is cut, you line the edges with a sheet so it can solder easily. Then you put it all together and solder the corners so it stays while you solder down the edges of all the glass. It sounds simple, but it takes a lot of precision and time to make everything line up and be perfect together. This project turned out amazing and I never thought I'd be able to actually make a stained glass project. I have a lot more respect for people who make stained glass because making those shapes of glass perfect sized is extremely difficult and one misstep means starting over on a new piece of glass. This project was amazing though and if I did another one in the future I would do something bigger and maybe more intricate.