Graphic Arts

B2SD Poster

I wanted the poster to really have a neon theme to it so I used the glowy bars and shapes to give it that feel. It originally was all blue but I changed it to give it more of a neon theme. I've never designed a poster before so my goal was just to try to make something interesting which I think I did. I really should have used a black background or some background other than white because it really just distracts from the poster. All the information is there, except the snow cone which I forgot, and I tried to put it in a way so that's it's not boring and just there. Getting feedback on this was good especially for future projects. I also probably could have spent more time and effort making this look better so I will plan on that in the future. The goal was to make an interesting poster with all the information that appeals to high schoolers, which yes I did, but it could have been better.


This is what I made for the CVC Varsity football template that could be used for future games and future dates. I made sure to use the three school colors; baby blue, navy blue, and white. I didn't want to make it as messy or chaotic as the past B2SD Poster, so I just had a solid background which I think focuses the attention of the main information. All the information is present, and I made sure to have them in the center so it's all very clear and easy to read. Both logos are included and I think the Cavalier Football on the sides makes it looks cooler. I already knew how to remove backgrounds so it wasn't hard to add the picture at the bottom. I think this poster looks simple and hopefully effective.

Me in the office

As you can see I used Photoshop to put myself (under the e) into the cover of The Office. To do this I took a picture of myself, edited out the background, and put myself into this picture. Then I adjusted the exposure and saturation of myself to fit the colors of the picture. I then erased some of my legs to give the illusion of myself being behind Gabe (the dude with the shield). This was fun to do, and helpful to learn how to do because Photoshop is very hard to use and very much precision based. I'm finally figuring out this Photoshop stuff though.