3D Art

Monstered Hexagonal Box

The first decision I was faced with was whether to make the box into two parts or just have a lid. I chose to have it in two parts as seen to the left so it would be easier to put stuff in and out of it. I came up with the design of a sort of monster coming out of a portal i made on the top. I made the portal purple-ish pink similar to the Nether portal in Minecraft. The theme of the box was light blue/blue and pink, because I like that color duo. My goal of this project was to create something unique that shows my creativity. The top was definitely what i hoped for and I think it looks really cool, and the yellow and orange accents. I do think I could have done the blue better on the sides, making it pop more. My favorite thing about this piece is the yellow to purple contrast of the monster coming out of the portal. This piece will influence my future artwork, knowing what I can and can't do, what does and doesn't look good. Another of my favorite things about this project is the blue tipped icicles inside, and the snowy white texture of the inside. I think the contrast is really good, from blue and pink, to a snowy white when opened.

Vase de la Raku

The paints our class used for the vases were different than the past ones because the way the vases were put and taken out of the vase would make the paint on it seem almost metallic or chrome. I used a copper paint for the base and a red paint for the shapes on it, and I really like the way it looks. I learned how this style of painting and making works, and got to actually participate in it, taking out the vase while still super hot and then putting sawdust in and around it so the affect would happen to end up like this. More than making the vase which I really enjoyed, I really liked seeing how this whole process worked and just seeing a different style of art. The only thing I would do different would be to add more red or maybe a different color for the shapes, but even so, I really like the clash of the metallic brown and the orange. This can influence my artwork because I know that art can look one way at first, and then can completely change it's look, to look even better.

Cloud 9

My first idea after given some ideas for this project was to make a game controller. I felt that really signified my hobby and then i added on to it from there. I have three crosses, one on the front and one on the two sides. I have a "graffiti s" in the middle and a C on top because those are my initials. And then i have the pink circles which are meant to look like the joysticks on the controller. The colors are pink, purple, and yellow because those are Taco Bell's colors. I did think it would turn out this good, especially the shape of the controller. I learned how to make 3D objects like this, without the use of clay or some form of molding material. The whole process was really fun, especially since it looks weird at first but then it all comes together. The one thing I would change would be to make the picture on the back blend into it more, but other than that I think it looks amazing.

Reed Torch

My initial thought for this project after seeing examples was to make a sort of torch looking lamp. This was one of the most fun projects to make, once I got the hang of it. I used a picture I found for reference and overall it turned out very well. My goal of this project was to create a very mysterious looking torch and I love the way it turned out. I used wood as the base and Just went from there, adding lights at the end. I would love to do another reed lamp again because it was a lot of fun.

Foam Batarangs

The goal of this project was to recreate something in the real world as identical as possible using a sort of hard foam. I didn't want to do something kind of basic, so I chose to try to recreate a batarang, which I ended up doing 2 batarangs because the original batarang shape was too thick and I had to cut it in half. I had tons of pictures to use as reference, and I made indented lines across it, as well as slanted edges which took a while. The easiest part was getting the shape, and it went from there. This has probably been my favorite looking art project because of how real it looks. I made one regular batarang and one that's kind of battle damaged and I am very happy with how both of these turned out. I only wish I could have added more colors to make the black look more metal-ly than just black, which I would have attempted if I had more time. Overall, this project was really fun and interesting.