As of September 2021, APLHA II (and Bloor CI) has been temporarily relocated to Central Technical School (CTS) while the new ALPHA II/Bloor CI school is being built at our Bloor and Dufferin location. To help ensure a smooth and successful transition, please see the the frequently asked questions about the relocation below.

UPDATE: March 29, 2023 article on


Alpha II Tour Video.mp4

About the Relocation - General Questions

Why did Bloor CI and ALPHA II students and staff move to Central Technical School?

The former Bloor CI/ALPHA II building was sold to a developer. Bloor CI and ALPHA II staff and students have moved to CTS while they await the construction of their new school.

Why was Central Technical School chosen?

As the priority was to keep all students and staff together, CTS was chosen because it has the space to accommodate both Bloor CI and ALPHA II. Furthermore, the facilities at CTS, including a state-of-the art artificial field and sports dome, are second to none. CTS is also on the subway line, which was another major consideration.

How long will Bloor and ALPHA II students be in the Central Technical School building?

At this time, it is identified time that Bloor and ALPHA II will be in the CTS building until Sept. 2025.

Who should I contact with any questions about the relocation?

If you have questions about the relocation, please contact your school Principal.

Classes & Programming

Can students take classes from a different school?

All three schools maintain separate classes while sharing the building. However, future consideration will be given to students being permitted to take courses from different schools. Please speak with your school’s guidance counselor for more information.

Do the schools share lab space?

Students from Bloor CI and CTS share lab space. While the space is shared, the classes are timetabled according to their school. Scheduled science classes are not a feature of ALPHA II.

Use of Central Tech School Building

Were construction upgrades made to Central Technical School to accommodate the new students?

Work continues  at CTS to ensure that current and future CTS students have access to safe, clean and supportive learning environments. Additionally, upgrades were made to areas in the building to accommodate the programming needs of Bloor and ALPHA II students.


How will student safety be ensured during the construction?

Student and staff safety is our top priority and safety measures are in place to ensure that students are not exposed to unsafe areas and materials.  


Do the schools have their own sections of the school building? What is the layout/floor plan of the school, and what areas are designated for staff/students from BCI and ALPHA II? 

To help plan for the flow of students in the building, efforts have been made to keep the three schools’ classes in separate areas of the building. Other than shared spaces (such as music rooms, gyms, etc.), floors 1, 2 and 5 are used by CTS; floor 3 is used by BCI & ALPHA II; floor 4 is shared by BCI and CTS; and floor 6 is used by BCI. 


Are there student-friendly restaurants in the Central Tech neighbourhood? 

There are many student-friendly restaurants within walking distance of Central Tech on Bloor and Harbord.


What is the fastest route to get to Central Tech from the subway? 

From Bathurst Station, head south on Bathurst Street towards Bloor Street West, and then turn left onto Lennox Street.

Activities, Teams, & Clubs

Are the student and parent councils combined?

All schools continue to have their own student and parent councils.


Are sports teams combined?

ALPHA II does not currently have sports teams, but students wishing to compete on Bloor CI times will be able to apply to do so with approval from the principle. Central Technical School has an indoor pool, artificial track and sports dome, which opens new opportunities for activities and teams for ALPHA II students.


Are clubs and extracurricular activities combined?

Each school has their own clubs, but ALPHA II students are invited and able to participate in Bloor CI clubs whenever possible.

Construction of the New ALPHA II

What is the current status of construction of the new Bloor CI/ALPHA II school?

Construction of the new Bloor Collegiate Institute and ALPHA II Alternative School has begun. The students and staff of these two schools are currently being welcomed at Central Technical School. A number of factors, including COVID-19 delays to the Ministry of Education and City of Toronto approval processes, have affected the project timelines. The TDSB has awarded the construction contract to Percon Construction and the duration of the construction is expected to be 30 - 32 months.


What is the budget for the new school?

The estimated project budget for the new Bloor CI/ALPHA II building is in the range of $35M. This includes “soft costs” such as permits, consultant fees and furniture/fixture allowance. The Ministry has approved additional funding for this project and has indicated that the TDSB will be required to self-fund the remaining.


Given what we have experienced this year due to COVID-19, will any consideration be given to revising the plan to build a school that is better equipped for future pandemics?

All boards are required to use the Ministry’s Space Plan template to determine the number of classrooms and the size of a new school based on the number of pupil places. In a large high school building such as the new Bloor CI/ALPHA II, there are rooms and spaces in the building that provide for a variety of uses. The building has been designed to accommodate up to 924 students. As a new building, Bloor CI will have a number of features that address interior air quality, such as a mechanical ventilation system with a filter system of Merv-8. The filters will be replaced every quarter and can be programmed to increase the number of air exchanges per day. In addition, all classrooms, end of corridors, offices and the gymnasium will have windows that can be opened.