ALPHA II Core Values


Learning is meaningful to mentees because they, in communication with mentors, determine what is important. 

Freedom is provided to students to choose and design their own learning activities to cater to what they think is meaningful.

Responsibility is supported through teachers who are mentors rather than directors. They support mentees by encouraging them to take responsibility for pursuing a wide and deep exploration of their interests - without coercion.

No standardized expectations. Mentees learn in unique ways. No predetermined or standardized expectations are placed on them, instead, mentees record the learning they deem appropriate in personal portfolios.

No predetermined schedules. While we have a set start, lunch, and end time to the day, when and where the mentee learns is determined by them, based on their interests and resources available. Mentees can participate also in off-site learning and personal programs such as Co-Op, Dual Credit, community support / involvement, while maintaining safety through consistent communication between mentees, parents, and mentors.

Continuous Conference based Feedback over Evaluations. Mentors provide mentees with comments and observations (rather than evaluations) on an ongoing basis and when formally requested. They also can be provided at mentee / guardian / mentor conferences where interests and personal goals are discussed. Notes taken at the conference are for the mentee to add to their portfolio if they so choose. 

*Grades, tests and report cards are not part of the Alpha II school culture or philosophy.*


Inclusive of all. Everyone at Alpha II is encouraged to listen carefully to others’ points of view and, when making shared school-related decisions, find a time and place to incorporate what each person is and values.

Decisions by all. Alpha II is a community based on consensus, where consensus means ealkch person’s voice is added together - this is different from voting or majority rule. The aim of decision making and conflict resolution is finding win/win solutions for shared resources and goals. Consensus is created at community and classroom meetings.

Respect for abilities. Every member of the Alpha II community is respected as a person fully able to direct their own learning, add their point of view to the consensus, and create a welcoming learning environment that is safe for all. Conflict resolution is achieved through a process involving mentees, mentors, and/or community members, initiated by mentees.