Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some commonly asked questions, please take a look at the drop down responses before emailing us.
How is ALPHA II a school if it doesn't have any classes, tests, grades, or give out the Ontario Secondary School Diploma?
Alpha II operates as a 'Free School', following an unstructured philosophy of teaching that believes tests, grades, and forced content study can not only be unhelpful to learning, but can actually be detrimental to the creation of people who truly love learning (people who will continue to design and create their own learning opportunities after they leave school). While Alpha II is definitely "alternative" compared to most schools, this type of learning is probably more common than you might think — and multiple studies and contexts have shown it to be a more effective way for people to learn.
For more information on free-schooling, check out some of our resources.
Can I still go to college or university if I come to ALPHA II?
Students from Alpha II follow similar pathways to students at other schools, it's just that the route they take to get there is different. As we do not award mentees a high school diploma, they apply to college and university similarly to someone who has been homeschooled. This usually means that they would apply as mature students (19 years old for college, 21 years old for university), where a high school diploma is not mandatory for many programs*. Mentees interested in going to university are also able to go to college for 1-2 years, doing bridging courses and/or taking transferrable credits that they can then use to transfer and attain a university degrees. Alpha II also offers mentees the opportunity to take dual credits, which can be applied to their college transcripts.
For more information on the pathways mentees can take after they leave Alpha II, check out some of our resources.
* University programs in the hard sciences and maths can often be the exception to this, as they generally require grade 12 science and math credits for eligibility to their programs.
Is ALPHA II a specialized program?
Alpha II is actually its own school within the Toronto District School board, not just a program (it is one of the alternative schools that exist within the TDSB). While we have always shared facilities and our principal and vice principal with Bloor CI (and currently share facilities with Central Tech), we are in fact a separate school, with separate teachers (our mentors), policies, admissions, budget, and office staff.
How do I apply to ALPHA II?
As an alternative school, ALPHA II does not have regular 'feeder' schools. Instead, potential mentees (students) go through the application process outlined on the Admissions Page of this site.
Because of our open learning structure, we have a rolling enrolment and take transferring students throughout the year, without set admissions periods.
Are there extra curriculars at ALPHA II?
ALPHA II tends to not have many "extra" curriculars, mainly because anything that mentees are interested in learning about or doing they can do during the school day. That said, we are embedded with Bloor Collegiate (a school of over 800 students), and ALPHA II mentees are invited and able to join any clubs from Bloor CI that they wish. They are also free to start clubs with Bloor students or other mentees.
ALPHA II does not currently have sports teams, but students wishing to compete on Bloor CI teams will be able to apply to do so with approval from the principal. Central Technical School has an indoor pool, artificial track, and sports dome, all of which open opportunities for activities for ALPHA II students to choose from.